

At Heytesbury, we believe in the importance of children developing an understanding of the history of Britain and the wider world, and how it impacts upon us in the present. Our curriculum is developed in line with the National Curriculum, and is delivered in a way that is interesting, relevant to our children. Linking in to other areas of learning, wherever possible. Our desire is that students build richly connected knowledge, vocabulary and skills that they can carry forward through their education and their lives.

Our aim is that we inspire our children to become active and curious learners. We want our pupils to begin to develop the tools to evaluate information about the past and make informed judgements based on this. We also aim to develop their knowing and understanding of elements of the past, and how this shaped the world they live in. We believe in the importance of children learning about the events and people that have shaped our nation and its values, as well as other civilizations through time.

At Heytesbury School, our intent in history is to inspire the children’s curiosity about the past and to understand how it has influenced the present. We strive to give the children a solid foundation and broad overview in some of the important periods, events and themes in British and world history.


History plays an important role in the curriculum at Heytesbury C of E Primary School. We follow the national curriculum and EYFS framework for our curriculum design. In addition to this we use the Rising Stars scheme of work is taught through a half-termly topic approach, operating on a rolling program. Throughout the process of history teaching children will beginning to understand what historians do. They will look closely at the world around them, both locally and further afield, and gain an appreciation of people, time and places different to their own.

The subject is taught from Early Years (in the form of Understanding the World) through to Year 6. Children gain new knowledge and skills along the way, as well as further developing what they have learned before. Where possible we seek to further enhance these learning experiences with relevant visitors, events and trips, both locally and further afield.


The children at Heytesbury will leave the school equipped with both the skills and knowledge required to access the subject at Key Stage 3. They will also be able to better understand Britain’s place in the world and how past events have shaped it. Alongside this they will gain an understanding of the diversity of their planet and be fueled with a desire to explore more of it.